Monday, May 27, 2013

Why, hello. It's been a while.

I am currently hearing back from beta readers about the sequel to Moonlit. I intended to submit it to my publishers in the next couple of weeks, and with any luck (and a lot of caffeine,) that may still be the case.

In a nut shell: people like the story a LOT. Like, better than Moonlit a lot. But there's a problem. I carefully, subtly layered in previous information and kept a few nuggets buried beneath the surface for book three, which made some scenes a little skeletal. And even readers who read Moonlit less than a month ago had forgotten some critical information from book one, without which book two feels like only hearing half of a conversation.

*face palm*

I have a lot of work to do.

I won't lie, part of me is itching to send it in just so I can have my editor's brilliant, razor sharp critiquing skills at my disposal. I love sewing up the incisions and punctures she makes. I love having the sounding board. But I also respect her and my publisher too much to send it in when it's not absolutely as good as I can make it on my own. And it's not there yet.

Sequels. Are. Hard. But it's going to be so worth it.

What are you working on? Tell me how it's going!


  1. I've never written a sequel, so I could only imagine what your going through. Sounds like a lot of work. But I have faith in your ability. You can do it.

    1. I can't wait to work with you again!! *fingers crossed*

  2. It's difficult to balance sequels, because as much as you want to make sure readers are reminded of the first book, you don't want to fall into the trap some series' do, of taking up chunks of text recapping previous books and repeating the same character descriptions.

    It'll be even harder in book 3, believe me!

    1. It IS hard. I can't imagine beginning book 3. There are so many layers and players... oiy. I'm hoping by book 3 I can just roll and hope that readers will pick up book 1 or 2 first... No? Man.

    2. I guess not :-/

      Scary thing is my third book is already almost the length of Locked Within, and I think I'm only about half finished.

  3. A sequel. :)

    Thank you for sharing your struggle with threading in information from the previous book. I've struggled a bit with not so much the how much, but the where. Where's that perfect location for book I nuggets?

    1. YES I am struggling with the "where" a lot, too. I need to get so much out up front to catch people up but I don't want to dump it all in the first couple of chapters. This complex plot seemed like such a good idea...

  4. Glad to know that you are writing a sequel.. Its good! I am sure it will turn out great!

    God Bless!


Ramble on, y'all.